5th Global Investment Symposium
2012 Global Investment Symposium
Pre-Symposium Private Event for IEA Members
His Excellency Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey has canceled his trip to the UN. Deputy Prime Minister Babacan plans to hold a private tele-presence meeting with IEA CEO members.
September 20
7:30 AMRegistration Opens
8:30 AMWelcome & Opening Remarks
Welcome & Opening Remarks by Ambassador Thomas Pickering, IEA Co-Chairman
9:00 AMInteractive Business Discussion I - Engines of Growth
As profits have increased but not growth, how will the growth engines for corporate and government revenues emerge? This interactive discussion will address which innovative industries, investments, policies, consumer demand, and regions can ignite growth for the world's economies.
Introduced by Governor John Engler
President of the Business Roundtable, Former Governor of Michigan
Former President & CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers
With William Lauder
Chairman of Estee Lauder Companies
Moderated by Professor Robert Lawrence
Professor Harvard University; Harvard Kennedy School
Former US Council of Economic Advisors for President Clinton
Author of Rising Tide: Is Growth in Emerging Economies Good for the United States?
10:00 AMBreak
10:15 AMCountry Presentations
His Excellency President Mwai Kibaki (Private Meetings)
His Excellency Minister Ammari
His Excellency Prime Minister Lajcak
His Excellency President Sall
12:15 PM - LUNCH SERVEDCountry Presentations
His Excellency President Yudhoyono
2:00 PMInteractive Business Presentation II
Executive Interview with The Honorable Peter G. Peterson
Chairman of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation
Co-Founder of Blackstone
Former US Secretary of Commerce
2:30 PMInteractive Business Discussion III - The Fuel of Finance
Global deleveraging, rebalancing and growth are critical to corporate and government survival but it is still in motion. Are default and inflation inevitable or can growth win? How will this affect global financial systems? Are banks too big to fail? Will finance be an explosive or the fuel of growth? As finance is a pillar of the global economy, this interactive discussion will address the future of finance, investment, debt and capital markets.
Stephen Schwarzman
Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder
Led by Senator Phil Gramm
Former Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee
Senior Partner of US Policy Metrics
3:30 PMBreak
President Martinelli will highlight Panama's five-year, $13.6 billion investment plan for infrastructure and services. Panama is boasting the fastest growth rate in the Americas, and has become a leading target of FDI, and one of the richest countries in Latin America accounting to purchasing power.
3:45 PMCountry Presentations
Country Presentation VII - Peru
His Excellency Minister Castilla
Country Presentation VIII - Qatar
His Excellency Minister Al-Attiyah Al-Thani
5:30 PMBCIU and IEA Dinner
His Excellency Dr. Moncef Marzouki, President of Tunisia
Confirmed and Reserved IEA Country Members
IEA invites its growing list of 47 Country Members that are attending the UN General Assembly to have their Head of State/Minister lead a business delegation to the Symposium. The above Country Members have confirmed their space. *Indonesia and Turkey might be on separate days but IEA members are invited via Symposium. IEA is still holding space for Reserved Country Members Colombia and Nigeria. Poland is holding Private Meetings with IEA CEO members on the side of the Symposium. Countries not presenting can also host a table and private meetings. Due to ever changing UNGA schedules, countries are subject to change.