Columbia: An Economic Premium to Peace
On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of U.S.-Colombian diplomatic relations, we are honored to focus our next online case study event on the Republic of Colombia, where Ministers, Ambassadors, CEOs, and senior finance and academic leaders from the U.S. and Colombia will discuss opportunities for both nations to mutually prosper. We hope that you can join us in this unique event to learn from, and bring perspective to, the unique challenges and opportunities in Colombia.
Case Study IEA Leadership

Professor Richard Vietor
Harvard Business School | Case Study Moderator & Author

Van McCormick
Founding Director at the International Economic Alliance

Ambassador Thomas Pickering
Co-Chair at the International Economic Alliance

Susan Cleary
Director at the National Museum of American Diplomacy
Columbia and Sponsor Leadership

Ambassador Juan Carlos Pinzón
Colombian Ambassador to the United States

Ambassador Luis Alberto Moreno
Managing Director, Allen & Co. | Former Colombian Ambassador to the United States

Gary Stein
Chief Executive Officer, Triple-S Steel

Maria Claudia Lacouture
Executive Director, AmCham